About the Initiative on Promoting Culturally-Competent Policy Research Initiative goal To conduct policy-relevant health services research in order to promote the cultural competence of mental health services in New York State. Current projects Supporting Cultural Competence Activities in New York State Office of Mental Health Health Care Coverage of Black and Hispanic Young Adults Under the Expanded Dependent Care Provision of PPACA Treatment for Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder (OCD) Past projects Medicaid Redesign Initiative To see an alphabetical list of the projects that are being conducted as part of our research initiatives, please click here: Research projects at...
Read MoreAbout the Initiative on First Episode Psychosis Initiative goals To collaborate with the New York State Office of Mental Health Center for Practice Innovations to help explore issues of race and culture in treatment following a first episode of psychosis (FEP). NYSPI-CECC staff will participate in interviews with clients from one FEP treatment program, RAISE Connection, to learn how they came to seek FEP treatment following a first episode, and will examine the ways in which race and culture impact treatment-seeking. Center staff will also examine service delivery through the New York State initiative, OnTrackNY. Planned analyses include: Examination of factors affecting pathways to mental health care, and ways to reduce duration of untreated psychosis Examination of the delivery of education and employment services, particularly for diverse populations who may have encountered disparities in the education and employment sectors Shared client-provider decision making Asset building Associated project Prodromal Psychosis Project Reports We invite you to read our periodic Cultural Competence Matters reports relating to this topic: “Schizophrenia: The Impact of Race on Diagnosis” “Social determinants of subthreshold psychotic symptoms among racial & ethnic minorities” “El impacto de la raza en el diagnóstico de squizofrenia” You may see all of our reports here: Cultural Competence Matters. To see an alphabetical list of the projects that are being conducted as part of our research initiatives, please click here: Research projects at...
Read MoreAbout the Initiative on Prevention of Suicidal Behavior in Diverse Populations Initiative goal To support the New York State Office of Mental Health’s goal of reducing suicidal behavior in diverse populations. Associated projects Life is Precious Evaluation Survey on Suicidality, Psychiatric Symptoms, and Mental Health Attitudes among Russian-speaking Consumers To see an alphabetical list of the projects that are being conducted as part of our research initiatives, please click here: Research projects at the...
Read MoreAbout the Initiative on Best Practices for Interpreting and Cultural Brokering Services Initiative Initiative goals To promote access to language-appropriate mental health services, by the use of bilingual clinicians and high-quality, innovative interpreter services. Associated projects Interpreters/Cultural Brokers Project Interpreters Utilization Project To see an alphabetical list of the projects that are being conducted as part of our research initiatives, please click here: Research projects at the...
Read MoreAbout the Initiative on Diagnosis and Engagement Initiative goals To develop strategies to increase the cultural validity of psychiatric diagnosis and enhance the engagement of underserved cultural groups into mental health care that can be implemented in a public mental health system. Why is this research significant? Rates of consumer engagement in mental health services are low throughout the U. S. and even lower among underserved cultural groups of all ages. Disengagement from mental health services is associated with higher morbidity and mortality, compromised quality of care and higher financial costs of medical care. Established engagement strategies often do not address the additional and unique barriers encountered by underserved cultural groups. Novel strategies are need to increase the cultural validity of psychiatric diagnosis and enhance engagement of underserved cultural groups into mental health care. Associated projects The DECIDE Project Motivational Interviewing Project The Depression Fotonovela Project Stigma Psychosis Screening Instrument Cultural Formulation InterviewProject Reducing Misdiagnosis Across Cultural Groups Psychoeducation Bellevue Latino Unit To see an alphabetical list of the projects that are being conducted as part of our research initiatives, please click here: Research projects at...
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