Initiative: Diagnosis and Engagement

About the Initiative on Diagnosis and Engagement


Initiative goals

To develop strategies to increase the cultural validity of psychiatric diagnosis and enhance the engagement of underserved cultural groups into mental health care that can be implemented in a public mental health system.

Why is this research significant?

  • Rates of consumer engagement in mental health services are low throughout the U. S. and even lower among underserved cultural groups of all ages.
  • Disengagement from mental health services is associated with higher morbidity and mortality, compromised quality of care and higher financial costs of medical care.
  • Established engagement strategies often do not address the additional and unique barriers encountered by underserved cultural groups.
  • Novel strategies are need to increase the cultural validity of psychiatric diagnosis and enhance engagement of underserved cultural groups into mental health care.

Associated projects

To see an alphabetical list of the projects that are being conducted as part of our research initiatives, please click here: Research projects at CECC