Survey on Suicidality, Psychiatric Symptoms, and Mental Health Attitudes among Russian-speaking Consumers

About the Survey on Suicidality, Psychiatric Symptoms, and Mental Health Attitudes among Russian-speaking Consumers

The Survey on Suicidality, Psychiatric Symptoms, and Mental Health Attitudes among Russian-speaking Consumers assesses the rates of suicidality and psychiatric symptoms and the mental health attitudes of Russian-speaking primary care patients, one of the largest language minorities in New York State.

This project is part of the Prevention of Suicidal Behavior in Diverse Populations initiative, which supports the New York Office of Mental Health’s goal of reducing suicidal behavior in diverse populations.

Project details

A self-administered survey has been developed and IRB protocol approved. Data collection is completed, with over 100 patients; data analysis and manuscript preparation are ongoing.

To see an alphabetical list of all the projects being conducted at our Center, please click here:  Research projects at the CECC.